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What is the AutoFighter.org Autofighter?
The Autofighter is a program that allows you to train your RuneScape character while doing virtually no work.The autofighter is coded in VB (Visual Basic) under the hood, and in our tests performed amazingly well.We'll take you through how it works, and if it's right for you.
So, how DOES it work?
The Autofighter works by clicking on certain colours, which you select.It has technology in it which allows it to bypass colour change problems, and keep going even after "loading" screens.It has customisable options which allow you to use antiban functions such as autochat, and even has functions for taking breaks.It can even talk to people on your friends list, telling them when it takes a break, and telling them when its back.
Is it right for me?
Do you want to be strong on RuneScape doing virtually no work at all?Do you want an almost undetectable program?Do you want to be able to own heaps of people in the wildy?Are you looking to make a pure, quickly and cheaply?If you answered yes to any of those questions, then it probably is right for you.
You said something about tests?
In about 60 minutes of pure testing time, it managed to get our test character (Pure_ForceXXX) to 12 attack and 14 strength at the chickens in lumbridge.For those of you who have tried using an autofighter at the chickens before, this is quite surprising, as most autofighters either lag very badly at the chickens, or stuff up completely. Sadly we didn't have time to test the autofighter out at the cows, but our quick test had very promising results.It occasionally walked away from the chickens, but that wasnt too much of a problem, and it performed quite well with other monsters too.You can use this autofighter on any monster, simply by selecting 2 different colours from it.The niftiest feature in this autofighter was that while it was looking for monsters, it only clicked on them if "Attack" was in the top left corner.This stops you coming back to heaps of bones in your inventory.
So, how does all this rate?
After vigurous testing, we have concluded that this is definitely a 9.5/10 program.It occasionally messed up at the chickens, but it almost NEVER clicked in the wrong place. It hardly ever even moved the mouse towards something other than what you are fighting.
AutoFighter.org Autofighter Features[x] Very Easy-to-use Program Interface.[x] 2 Monster colors selections.[x] Can automatically eat food.[x] Automatically Logsout on low hp.[x] Train (attack, strength, defence) + Auto Special Attack.[x] You can pick up an unlimited amount of items.[x] Automatically chat to friends and public.[x] Automatic rest. (logout for few minutes then log back in) [x] Most Anti-random Protection.[x] Full mouse configuration.[x] OCR configuration.[x] Progress Log generation.[x] All Glitches Fixed[x] Mod Protection[x] RS2 Window Stay On Top Switch[x] RS2 News! [x] Autologin + Logout[x] Looks amazing [x] Plus more!
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