Sunday, 11 November 2007

Runescape Gold Guide - 5

The Ultimate Runescape Gold Guide - Part Five

Now, if you do this properly, you can make quite a bit. Notice I’m not saying hundreds of thousands or millions. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re selling sharks or lobsters outside the Wilderness then you probably will be able to hit those targets, but not if your just selling good, standard, wholesome foods like you would if you were a low level cook, your much less likely to hit those types of numbers.

Selling food this way is actually a lot more fun than mining coal, or chopping wood. I’ve always found cooking much more variable and enjoyable than hitting rocks and trees; so maybe you’ll like it a lot, and make some nice cash out of it.

I’m now going to speak a bit about Runescape Gold Merchants, and how you can have a headstart when trying to make money through techniques such as merchanting. Now, if you don’t have the initial investment for merchanting, a good idea which you might want to take on is to buy the GP to start off your merchanting career. Buy GP you say? Yes, buy gold pieces, for real money. A lot of sites offer GP for sale, just go to Google and type in “Buying Runescape Gold” and you’ll be bombarded with a list of sites that do this. You could probably buy your first million for pretty cheap, and then use that million in merchanting to make much, much more.
If you really want to, once you make a lot, (millions), you might want to sell it back to one of these sites (most of the time these sites also buy GP off people) and make real cash out of it. There’s a whole article on that on this blog already, so find it, and check it out -:)

There are a lot of people out there, who have no idea how to make money, and how to become filthy rich in Runescape; but with anything, it takes time and effort, there is no quick-fire way of making millions in Runescape; it’s not the lottery after all! Finally, I’m going to speak about fletching, I’ve left this till last as it is a members-only skill, and so not all of you can benefit from it. Fletching is a basic skill at first. You just run around forests, cutting down trees, and making them into arrow shafts; wow-wee, so exciting, but then once you hit a few more levels up, it suddenly gets interesting -:)

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