Sunday, 11 November 2007

Runescape Merchanting Guide

Runescape is a game of endless possibilities. Seriously, when I say that I mean it. It’s a bit like the American-dream, you can instantly make money from the word go. Obviously, there’s a catch – to be able to make loads of GP in Runescape, you’ll need a bit of money to invest.

If your totally new to Runescape, then it’s best that you start with one particular skill, and exploit it to make money. To give you an idea of what I mean, take mining for example. Mining is a good way for any character to make some GP – all you need is your trusty pickaxe, and a nice mining spot near the bank. Mining is a good way skill to really concentrate on, as it is one of the skills that could potentially make you a lot of money (especially with ores such as coal and onwards).

Now, onto merchanting. Merchanting is basically buying and selling items – your profit being the different between the amount you bought something for and the amount your selling it at. You’ll need an initial investment before you can really start making good money with merchanting, so I suggest you go out and mine until you make around 200,000GP (200k) before you begin thinking of making a lot of money. Having larger amounts to invest in merchanting is always a better thing, but 200k+ will do.

Right, now onto the nitty gritty stuff, one really effective way I made millions on Runescape was to buy and sell Runite (Rune) armour. Rune armour was previously only worn by the strongest of player, but now that the game is developed and has been around for quite a while, nearly every Tom, Dick and Harry has the capabilities to wear it. That’s what makes it good armour to deal in - it’s very popular.

If your a free player, log onto World 1 (if members, try World 2 maybe) and go to the West bank in Varrock, you’ll notice that there are thousands of players in and around the bank – the prime place for you to buy and sell your goods. What your aim is, is to buy separate pieces of Rune armour, and then once you have a full set, sell it, and make a profit on it. For example, I may buy a Rune Full Helmet off one person for 20,000 GP (20k), a Plate Body off someone else for 55,000GP (55k), a pair of Rune Legs for 22,000 GP (22k) off another person, and last but not least a Rune Kite Shield for around 45,000 GP (45k). All these items total to 142,000 GP (142k). Now, you might think that you’ve just wasted a lot of money on this armour – but trust me, if your a savvy business man, you’ll be able to make some nice profit on it. Next, what you should do is to try and sell the whole set of armour for 200,000 GP (200k) all together.

Normally, people pay more for whole sets of armour, and that’s why it’s pretty easy for you to sell it at that price. If it doesn’t sell, lower your price a little. Once that set of armour sells, then you’ll have made around 50,000 GP off that one set, then you go off, buy all the separate pieces of the set again, and repeat the process.

This is actually a very efficient and quick way of merchanting to make money when you have a bit of money to invest. Give it a go, it’s well worth it.

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